Our WAL Change Programmes are Work-Based Learning Programmes designed for managers as individuals or managers in their teams, whilst our Work-Applied Learning Organisational Change Programmes are designed for senior managers and their teams. Such programmes could be suitable for Corporations, Associations and Public Sector Organisations.
Figure below shows the level of managers and the programmes.
Diagram 1 shows the skills that managers need to be effective in their managerial role. It can be seen that human skills are constant throughout the individual’s career starting from the graduate level upto top management level. However the need for technical skills decreases the higher the managers progress in their career. Conversely, the managers need more conceptual skills with every move into a higher management position. Therefore, the skills required in the human and conceptual areas of management learning will differ depending on the individual’s level in the organisation, be it graduate, middle or top management.
Since they would have acquired technical skills as part of their higher or college education or previous work experience, GCWAL programmes focus only on developing the human skills and the conceptual skills (namely business and management conceptual skills) using the WBL approach.
Work-Based Learning Programmes
The Work-Based Learning programmes are designed for individual change, and manager and team change.
Individual Change Programmes
Our Individual Change Programmes are designed to enhance the work-readiness of individuals in organisations. These programmes range from enhancing interpersonal skills for new staff and graduates, developing entrepreneurship skills of managers, building the facilitative leadership skills of potential managers and enabling managers to progress to new managerial roles and responsibilities. This suite of programmes is delivered under our banner of the Work-Readiness Institute.
Interpersonal Skills for
work readiness
Effective Entrepreneurship
for managers
manager development
Manager and Team Change Programmes
CHANGE through Action
Learning (CAL)
Implementing Work-Based
Change (IWC)
Work-Applied Learning Programmes
The Work-Applied Learning change programmes are designed for divisional or organisational change and involve chief executives, senior managers and emerging senior managers working with their departmental heads.
Change using Action research
& action learning
Work-Applied Learning for Change Leaders
Managers as
Practitioner Researchers