WAL Practitioner Certifications

As stated earlier, our WAL Change Programmes are designed to develop leaders and managers to implement change in their organisations. Provided they complete the plan and implementation report of their deliverables as well as additional components showing the linkage and rationalisation of their practice with the relevant concepts, they will be awarded the relevant WAL Practitioner Certification.

The WAL Practitioner Certifications will be co-badged by GCWAL and Action Learning Action Research Association Ltd (ALARA).

Holders of the WAL Practitioner Certifications are eligible for advanced standing in Masters level studies at select institutions of higher education in the UK and Australia. Further details are available on request.

The WAL Change programmes and their relevant WAL Practitioner Certifications are as shown below.

Change through Action Learning
  • Action Learning & Reflective Practice
  • Certified Action Learning Facilitator
    Postnominals: CAL-F
Implementing Work-Based Change
  • Action Learning & Reflective Practice*
  • Work-Based Learning
  • Certified Work-Based Learning Practitioner
    Postnominals: CWBL-P
    Work-Applied Learning for Change Leaders

    (Entry is subject to completion of the Implementing Work-Based Change Programme)

  • Organisational Change through Action Research
  • Organisational Learning for Knowledge Management and Application
  • Certified Work-Applied Learning Practitioner
    Postnominals: CWAL-P
    Managers as Practitioner Researchers

    (Entry is subject to completion of all the preceding modules)

  • Practitioner Research Proposal
  • Practitioner Research Project
  • Certified Work-Applied Learning Change Advisor
    Postnominals: CWAL-CA

*Credit will be given for GCWAL modules previously completed within applicable time frames.

Individuals who have successfully completed a Masters (by Research) or Doctorate including a dissertation/thesis using action research, action learning and reflective practice are eligible to apply to GCWAL for the award of Work-Applied Learning Change Advisor.


Change through Action Learning


  • Action Learning & Reflective Practice


Certified Action Learning Facilitator

Postnominals: CAL-F


Implementing Work-Based Change


  • Action Learning & Reflective Practice*
  • Work-Based Learning


Certified Work-Based Learning Practitioner

Postnominals: CWBL-P


Change using Action Research & Action Learning


  • Action Learning & Reflective Practice*
  • Organisational Change through Action Research*


Certified Action Research Action Learning Practitioner

Postnominals: CARAL-P


Work-Applied Learning for Change Leaders


  • Action Learning & Reflective Practice*
  • Work-Based Learning*
  • Organisational Change through Action Research*
  • Organisational Learning for Knowledge Management and Application


Certified Work-Applied Learning Practitioner

Postnominals: CWAL-P


Managers as Practitioner Researchers

(Entry is subject to completion of the modules in the preceeding programmes.)


  • Practitioner Research Proposal
  • Practitioner Research Project


Certified Work-Applied Learning Change Advisor

Postnominals: CWAL-CA

*Credit will be given for GCWAL modules completed within applicable time frames.

Individuals who have successfully completed a Masters (by Research) or Doctorate including a dissertation/thesis using action research, action learning and reflective practice are eligible to apply to GCWAL for the award of Work-Applied Learning Change Advisor.

Quality Assurance of Certifications

Select modules comprising our WAL Change programmes were accredited and granted credit status at postgraduate level for a period of 6 years by Middlesex University in 2014, Leeds Trinity University in 2018 and Australian Institute of Business in 2021. Such credit status is evidence of the recognition of GCWAL’s academic standards by these institutions of higher learning. Additional recognition is demonstrated by the co-badging by ALARA with GCWAL of the Certificates of Completion awarded to participants who have completed the WAL Change programmes.

Having had the recognition from the Institutions mentioned above, GCWAL has decided to have its own WAL Practice Certifications as listed above for participants in the WAL Change programmes who meet the standards equivalent to these institutions.The quality standards of WAL Change programmes and the award of the WAL Practice Certifications will be monitored by the Practice Certification Panel (PCP). The PCP is comprised of the following professionals and academics:

  • Prof Jonathan Garnet, Chair, Academic and Research Director, Global Centre for Work Applied Learning and former Director of the Institute for Work-Based Learning and Professor of Work Based Knowledge at Middlesex University
  • Prof Erwin Loh, President Elect of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators and Chief Medical Officer at Goulburn Valley Health
  • Dr Paul Jurman, Certified Chief Information Officer, College of Healthcare Information Management Executives
  • Colin Bradley, President of Action Learning Action Research Association Inc.
  • Dr Rajesh Johnsam, Senior Lecturer in Human Resources, Flinders University
  • Dr Param Abraham, Managing Principal – Change Advisor, Global Centre of Work Applied Learning