The WAL 3 for Change Programme

builds on the knowledge of Work-Applied Learning and organisational change obtained by the chief executives and senior managers who completed the WAL 1 and WAL 2 for change programmes. It provides more in-depth knowledge and experience in the use of the Practitioner Research method of Action Research including Reflective Practice and Action Learning.

Participants will undertake a major WAL change project, over 12 months, to address a significant workplace issue or organisational problem. In the process, they will learn to use Action Research data collection, data analysis and validation techniques. 

The programme is delivered with online content and in-built support from experienced GCWAL facilitators.

Participants will complete a Practitioner Research change project plan and an implementation report of the major WAL change project. Successful completion of this programme will result in the award of certification as a WAL Change Consultant by GCWAL and Action Learning, Action Research Association.