is designed for CEOs and Divisional Directors who wish to lead organisational change by working with their managers and teams to introduce change and innovation into their organisation.
The CEOs or Divisional Directors will reflect with the GCWAL Programme Advisors on issues or problems within their organisations and go through a creative thinking and learning process using the WAL formula to plan and implement an organisational or divisional change programme.
The programme has a duration of 8 months depending on the needs of the client organisation.
With the guidance of the GCWAL Programme Advisors and the use of the WAL formula, the CEO or Divisional Director, as the change leader, and their team of managers, as change facilitators will:
- Clarify the organisational problem to be addressed,
- Establish the purpose and goals of the organisational change programme to address the organisational problem,
- Discuss and reflect about the potential change projects which the change facilitators could undertake in the context of the organisational problem,
- Agree on the design of the organisational change programme, using the WAL model, including the number and duration of AR group meetings, Work-Based Learning Phases, feedback and reflective sessions with the GCWAL Programme Advisors, and scheduling of dates, taking into account job demands and organisational requirements, and
- Determine the obligations and commitments of the AR Group members, namely, the CEO and/or the change leader, the change facilitators and the GCWAL Programme Advisors.
The change leader will complete a project plan for the organisational change programme and an implementation report on this programme including their reflections, lessons learnt, as well as project, process and learning outcomes.
Each change facilitator will complete a plan for their change project and an implementation report on the change project including their reflections, lessons learnt, as well as project, process and learning outcomes.
builds on the knowledge of organisational change and Work-Applied Learning (WAL) obtained by the CEOs or Divisional Directors who completed the WAL for Change Leaders programme. The new knowledge acquired in this programme is the use of Action Research as a method, the integration of Action Research, Action Learning and Reflective Practice, as well as Work-Based Learning and Organisational Learning & Knowledge Management.
The Managers as Practitioner Researchers is a progression of the WAL for Change Leaders Programme. As such, the CEOs or Divisional Directors will continue the major organisational change project that they undertook in the WAL for Change Leaders programme.
This programme has a duration of 12 months, during which participants introduced to the concepts of work-based learning and organisational learning and knowledge management. They will be required to integrate this knowledge with organisational change grounded by the Action Research method, the Action Learning process and Reflective Practice processes.
The CEOs or Divisional Directors will work with their team of managers under the guidance of GCWAL Programme Advisors to replan and continue implementing further Action Research Cycles of their major organisational change project, using the new knowledge that they have acquired during this programme. They will produce a detailed document on this replanning and implementation process, including reflections, lessons learnt, as well as project, process and learning outcomes. In addition, they will integrate the relevant literature with their major organisational change project.
More details of this programme can be obtained on request.