Work-Applied Learning for Change Leaders

This book by Professor Selva Abraham is a blend of the concepts, process and practice of Work-Applied Learning (WAL). Professor Abraham has incorporated his ideas on the conceptual basis of this approach with the experience of fellow researchers and senior executives in organisations in Australia and other parts of the world.

Accordingly, this book shifts the reader from unawareness to awareness of the WAL model. It starts with a description of the concept, process and practice behind the WAL model. Chapter 2 sets out the conceptual and methodological basis of the WAL model. This was presented as a seminal paper at a conference organised by the Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management Association Inc and Singapore Institute of Management in 1996.

In the subsequent chapters, Professor Abraham presents case studies of how the WAL model has been planned, implemented, evaluated and validated. The case studies become more detailed in progressive chapters.

Nothing stands still, of course, and in the conclusion he points to an undiminished need to further refine the model as we continue to learn more. There is no end to the process and practice, only further cycles of planning, acting, observing, reflecting, evaluating and validating this model to cope with the evolution and revolution of the world order that impacts on change in individuals, teams, organisations and communities.

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