Work Readiness Institute Australia (WRIA) is committed to developing the human, business and management skills of people who are in the transition of change. WRIA programes are designed for:

  • graduates and non-managerial staff,
  • new managers and managers in transition, and
  • emerging entrepreneurs and leaders

Whilst Global Centre for Work-Applied Learning (GCWAL), offers change management programmes for middle, senior and top management, WRIA which is an associate of GCWAL offers programmes which range from individual and professional development using the Work-Based Learning (WBL) approach.

The delineation of the programmes offered by WRIA and GCWAL is shown in the diagram.


All WRIA programmes use the WAL formula of K + P1 + Q = P2 as shown below:

All WRIA programmes use the WAL formula of
K + P1 + Q = P2 as shown below:

During a WRIA programme, participants will:

Reflect and apply relevant Knowledge (K) in the planning and implementation of the Work-Based Learning (WBL) project.

Critically reflect on a WBL Project (P1) to address a problem or need in their departments.

Question (Q) how to solve a problem by searching for ideas to help plan the WBL project.

Achieve Performance Outcomes (P2), including the WBL project outcomes, process outcomes, and learning outcomes.

All programmes at WRIA use the WBL approach which require participants to:

  1. Identify a meaningful workplace issue,
  2. Address this issue through a real-life work-based project,
  3. Apply management and business concepts to the work-based project,
  1. Critically reflect on the work-based project and other interpersonal and inter-group experiences.